Thursday, November 19, 2009

Pepper Stamping

Who hasn’t eyed a pepper while making dinner and thought ‘That looks like a Violet’? What a fun way to play with your food!

Materials Needed:

-Pepper, sliced crossways so that the outline is of….a violet. Leave white inside bit intact.

-Washable paints

-Paint brushes, preferably the foam flat kind, but any will do

-Paper for background (I used colored card stock) plus extras for fun

-Wipes or washcloths for clean up

Optional: Pictures of violets (Google image search is just fine)

1. Look at pictures of violets together with your students

2. Have STUDENT apply thin layer of paint on exposed edges of pepper with a paintbrush

3. Slowly stamp pepper onto paper and lift straight up. Be amazed at God’s glory.

4. Have student add whatever details they want, a stem, some leaves, a flower center, colored flower petals, a sun, clouds, butterflies. It really is a fun easy craft 

5. Have your children help you clean up.

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