Tuesday, November 10, 2009

It's a Beautiful Life: Poem by Erin

I step outside first thing in the morning
Listen to the cacophony of birds twittering
And children devising brilliant schemes of pirate adventure
It's a beautiful Life

I laugh at the table with my children
Watch their minds blossom as we explore science and history
and uncover the love God has for them
It's a beautiful life

I inhale the smell of my richly composted earth
Plant another green leafed vegetable in my garden
and marvel at how much life comes from tiny seeds
It's a beautiful life

I smile as my husband displays pictures
Taken for me while away because he knows I love beautiful things
He brings home bags of mulch as if reading my mind
It's a beautiful life

My photographs, my paintings, my flower beds
Glimpses of the beauty my eyes behold every day
Only glimpses of the beauty God has given me
It's a beautiful Life

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